So, you looked at the weather app and saw a BIG incoming cold blast, and now you're worried about your horse, their diet, and basically everything you can control. Trust me, we've all been there.
That said, as diet changes can stress your horse's digestive system and should be done gradually, now is NOT the time for a diet change when dealing with this weather stressor. We can target digestive health specifically with strategic nutrition, but that won't help us RIGHT NOW. So, this is how I promote digestive health in my senior horse during temperature drops & winter storms, as an equine nutritionist:
Promote movement.
As horses have evolved as grazing animals, their digestive function is tied to movement. Maintain your horse's turnout routine to allow adequate movement (if you don't have much control over your horse's turnout routine, hand-walking can be useful too)!
Sticking to your horse's routine will also reduce mental stress, which can go a long way for overall health!
Promote hydration.
Ensure access to clean, unfrozen water during turnout, and since horses drink more water when the water is warm, water heaters can be great for outdoor use.
Top up indoor water with warm water, which can help promote water intake and digestive motility during periods when your horse is stalled (ie, overnight).
Add warm water to meals, as tolerated.
Add extra salt (remember, your horse needs a minimum of 20-30g in their base diet) and electrolytes to promote water intake & hydration status.
Ensure maximized forage access!
If your horse has free-choice access, perfect - they can adjust their intake according to their thermoregulatory needs!
During extreme cold, feed a couple extra kilograms of hay to meet increased energy needs - start feeding this extra hay 24 hours before the anticipated extreme weather, if possible.
Looking for long-term digestive health support? We can help - check out our nutrition consulting services or get in touch!